Thursday, June 20, 2013

Lucy is Lovely & Kiki is Krazy

This is Lucy. She is sweet, soft, and loves to cuddle. It's easy to love her. She is also our little carnivore. I hand-feed her rare steak or lamb chops to express my love to her. She likes to stalk and hunt. While Kiki is the one who jumps head-first into any situation without much thought, Lucy hangs back and observes everything. Once that she decides it is safe and worth it, she will join in.

Kiki loves to play! She is the one using the iPad cat game. Lucy just watches. Kiki has her krazy quirks too. She only eats two things: her dry kibbles and canned tuna. NOTHING ELSE. We have offered every food imaginable. She is not interested. She chows down her kibbles like its candy. I think she is the herbivore. She once showed a slight interest in eating coconut flakes. I've learned that the way to Kiki's heart is to play games with her. Any game or toy will do.